Saturday 14 July 2012

Jonty on his return from the Gates of Hell

This is just a quick update to inform you all that the "Big Lad" made it back home today and is looking forward to the reunion in The Lake Hotel, Killarney since he missed the union the first time round. As you can see, he appears to be in fine fettle, but he will be attending the hospital for some time before he is back to normal. Sure, the Big Man was never normal, I hear you say, but then, who in our company is?

He was quite adamant, however, about never sharing a tent with Stuart again saying that he would prefer to room with Andy, Gary, Jim, Adrian, Al, Noel or even Pauline all at once or individually. Apparently sleeping with Stuey is a "near death experience" that is not on the agenda in the immediate future. He also expressed huge gratitude to the staff at Tralee Hospital especially the foxy nurse who applied the gel before his first ultrasound scan...........

Finally, anyone who has not donated or feels compelled to help us reach that £4000 target, we are getting close. Check out and encourage your friends to do so.

And they all lived happily ever after.


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