Tuesday 10 July 2012


Here are a few photos that have yet to be published here.........................

The Pecker and Ronne Drew

The Best Pub in Ireland
That's an Italian flag isn't it?

The road to Kerry (between showers)

Big Al stands next to the Sean Kelly shrine in Carrick on Suir - the King of Cycling

Stuey and Big Al chill after a good soaking coming over Glenmalure

The Blues Bros en route to KIllarney

Regular readers, friends and supporters will know that we finished the cycle on Saturday, and yes, we did have bums like baboons, but we were well satisfied that we had completed the trip. A celebratory libation in John Benny's before heading back to the campsite was just the ticket.

Now, you will also know that Sunday was the ascent of Carrauntoohil which we had intended to scale via the Devil's Ladder. However, we had to shelve this plan as a result of an unforeseen casualty of the the challenge, and here I am again back in serious mode. Big Jonty, the man who would eat the head of a scaby wee'un was admitted to Kerry Hospital in Tralee in the early hours of Sunday morning and he is still there today, Tuesday. He will not be released until his condition shows some signs of improvement.

In the middle of Saturday night/Sunday morning it would appear that Jonty suffered from a pulmonary embolism which to you and me is a blood clot on the lungs. In Jonty's case they have identified two clots (one on each lung) and, in reality, the situation could have been a lot (lot) worse had it not been for the fact that he was sharing a room and his pain was taken seriously by a room mate who contacted the emergency services. In Dingle, that means getting yourself to hospital, but getting a local doctor to phone ahead and let them know you are coming. Fortunately, he got there on time to avoid any further complications and is now making some sort of a recovery.

It was an awful end to the week for the big lad, but he is in great spirits and is enjoying the company of several Father Jacks in his ward in Tralee. I know that you will all be thinking about Jonty and hope that he makes it home soon. The whole episode has given us another chance to re-evaluate what is really important in life. Carrauntoohil can wait for another day.

Get well soon Big Jonty, and we forgot to tell you that you won the bracelet jaune on Sunday for making the rest of us sweat like criminals.

I will post a final tour diary when the Big Lad gets home.


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