Friday 29 June 2012

Seven Riders for Seven Sisters

The Tudor 7 did not wish to comment when quizzed on the legitimacy of choosing members of the female gender as the object of their misogyny. The only female member of the D2D crew has gone on record saying that she has no problem with male company as long as they keep their distance when she is doing the cooking. The gourmet driving chefs may have something to say about this, probably something like, "Any chance of another sausage with that?"

"The boys just like keeping themselves to themselves and that gives me time to reflect on why am I here", said Pauline while ironing the crew T-Shirts for Monday's publicity shoot. The T-Shirts had to washed and ironed since they got a bit wet last time out and who likes smelly gear? That's right, just girls.

So first photo will be at "The Cutting Edge" Barber on Upper Ormeau Road at 10.30am Monday. Proprietor, Frankie Campbell, is providing team hairstyling for those that have it and a bit of a slap for the rest. He has made his kitchen available to the lady member of the party for tea making. So let's all get there on time as the South Belfast Herald and Post have to be on the Woodstock for the warm up riots before the Mini Twelfth on Monday evening.

At High Noon, we have a second photo appointment at Shandon Golf Club where we will be met by representatives of NI Children's Hospice and we must therefore look and smell our best (I hope those shirts have been washed in something fragrant). The Captain will see us off at 12.15 precisely as he has a 12.20 tee off booked.

Any questions, please refer to my secretary - a lady.