Saturday 30 June 2012

Tony Blair had Alastair Campbell but we have Lorraine English! What am I talking about? Well Mr Campbell thought he was a spin doctor before he got into jogging but in Lorraine we have the Spin Doctor's Doctor. Today we got to one final spin class with Lorraine before setting off on Monday. Lorraine has grabbed the fundraising bull by the horns and got firmly behind us and the cause (metaphorically speaking of course because she leads from the front!). It would be unlikely that anyone who attends Lorraine's classes doesn't know what's happening next week so, on behalf of the Hospice, a big thank you must go out to Lorraine. We all enjoy the classes and there is no doubting the dedication to enjoyment as demonstrated in the short video above. If you listen closely, you will hear Lorraine making the first tentative inquiries into when we will celebrate the achievement with a night out.

On yer bike Jim, says Lorraine
It's time to start ticking off the items on the checklist or if your name's Adrian, phone Jimi and ask him to do it for you. Bike, check, tent, check, sleeping bag, check, oh to hell with this where's Jimi? Oh aye, he's gone to Decathlon to get me a bike, tent and sleeping bag. Do we not have a soigneur for that?


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