Thursday 28 June 2012

Tonight's patron meets the projectionist

Well readers, despite the torrential rain, the football and a visit from the Queen of England, nothing could keep the real supporters of the D2D crew away from the quaint little Tudor Cinema on the outskirts of Comber tonight. Stephney "Winkleman" Gourley dipped into her extensive archive of feel - good movies to produce tonight's offering which went down swimmingly with the cinema-going public of North Down. True, this was helped along with copious vessels of tonsil lubrication courtesy again of Gourley Grapes, Belfast's fastest growing wine producer. The Gourley motto is, "It's great being us", and it was certainly great being part of tonight's party especially when we note that another substantial amount has been raised for the Children's Hospice - £400.

This evening was the last gathering of the riders before start day, next Monday. With the fundraising total gradually heading in the right direction, here is a reminder of the page and please ask all your friends and acquaintances to check out the team's progress. This is still only the calm before the storm and it is important to the crew that as many supporters as possible can encourage them over those mountains (and I'm not speaking metaphorically) next week.

Thanks again to everyone who turned out tonight. And Spain won on penalties!


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